My Cute Husband
My parents.. they are such great examples to me and always do SO much for me!!
My Sistas... It's so fun having your best friends in your family. My sisters are all so loving and supportive. I really enjoy the relationship I have with each of them!!
My Savior- I can't imagine my life without knowing that it will all be o.k. because of Christ's atonement that compensates for all my imperfections....
A country where I can choose what I want to believe in and where the opportunities are endless if you just put in the effort.. Also for all those fighting for our country to preserve those freedoms!
The gospel on the earth today, I love knowing we have a prophet who leads and guides us.
Temples for their beauty and sacred ordinances!
The BEST friends who are so loyal and supportive and freakin fun!!
MAC Makeup... (I know this list is going down-hill quickly but...) seriously makeup is important to a girl!!
I am sure this list could go on on because everyday I find myself feeling gratitude for more and more. I feel truly blessed to have a home to live in, a good job, food on the table, prayers that are answered, and people who I love and that love me that make everything worthwhile.. May you all find yourselves feeling so blessed this holiday season...