Monday, October 12, 2009

I understand...

so many of my friends have mentioned the fact that they have missed being pregnant after their little once arrives. Up until this point I have contemplated what they could have missed...

-Not fitting into any of their "cute clothes"

-Swollen body parts (face,hands,feet,calves, etc...)

-an excess of gas (which is uncontrollable might I add)

-being forced to wear flat shoes or suffering immensely in the name of fashion

-adjusting to sleeping on your side instead of your back
-Back pain from Hades

o.k. so you probably get the picture... bringing new life into this world-(as many of you know) is not a walk in the park... but if for sure is worth it.. There are few things in this world that can compare to knowing that you have a healthy and active baby moving around inside you.. Most of you don't know (cuz I never shared) that a little while ago we did some tests and the results were a little shocking.. they said there was a chance that our baby could have Down Syndrome.. Jesse and I knew that despite the results we would love our baby- no matter what!! Well we have since had more tests done and found out that the first results were incorrect and our little girl doesn't appear to have anything wrong with her. Needless to say it was an emotional 4 weeks that we endured but it was amazing the peace we felt knowing that everything was going to be o.k. I am so grateful for family (especially my amazing husband) who were so supportive, and a loving Heavenly Father and Savior who certainly knew how to succor me in my time of need.

This morning as I was contemplating whether to get out of bed or not.. I began to feel the now familiar baby movements in my stomach... for a little while I just laid there with my hand over my belly and enjoyed every second of knowing that my little girl is alive and healthy. I can honestly say for the first time I understood what all my friends talk about when they say they missed being pregnant and I felt so, so priviledged to be a where I am right now!.. My mind wandered to months or even years down the road when I may feel like I did this morning-not wanting to get out of bed- and it will be this same little girl who will more-than-likely be there again.. only probably standing next to the bed encouraging her mommy to get up and start the day... Words can't express how excited I am for this new phase of my life.. Sure it will be full of responsibility and work, laughter and tears, pain and happiness.. isn't that what makes life LIFE?!?

FYI: I dropped my camera in the dam about a month ago so excuse my lack of pictures... once I get a new camera I will make-up for lost time!!


Jamie Bowers said...

Hey just checking in on you. Congrats! How exciting, you are going to love having a girl! I had the same thing happen to me with the "downs" test, except when I met with the parientologist they said I was actually in to check for spinabifida and trisomy 18 not downs, they had told me wrong. Needless to say that is how we found out we were having twins..yes, at 19 weeks. We had no idea. I remember those feelings of worrying but also knowing that heavenly father doesnt make mistakes and we would love our baby no matter the outcome. Glad everything looks good!

cheeks said...

mmmmm, yes, those are the movements i crave :) so fun that you are feeling them! yes, there are some not so fun sides to being prego, but a milion good ones to outweigh them! so glad baby girl is healthy!

Michelle said...

I'm glad that everything is going well with the pregnancy and your little girl is healthy!

Brookie said...

you are going to be such a wonderful mommy jessica, your little girl is very lucky:)

em said...

what a relief to know your little girl is healthy and well. it is ALL worth it, like you said! can't wait for you to know who this little angel baby is! ;)

Drica Rodrigues said...

Dá pra imaginar a nossa vida sem elas???? NÃOOOOOOO!!!!!! É muito bom né?! Tô TÃO feliz por vc!!!! Te Amo!!!

Adam & Leesha Wickern said...

how fun! What an enjoyable experience right now. I do have to admit though, even though I had a very easy pregnancy, once I hit that 9 month mark and Brennon was late, I wondered why I ever loved being pregnant :) I do miss feeling him kick me every night about the same time, but a few months later he now plays with my hands and fingers when he eats. Each phase is more and more fun and packed with fulfillment! You are going to make a great mommy!

Marcie said...

You definatly understand. It really is amazing. I'm so excited for you and I can't wait to see your darling little girl. We had a scare with this baby at 20 weeks where the ultrasound looked like her cords was not fully connected to her stomach. We had to wait about 3 weeks to meet with a specialist and it was the longest 3 weeks of my life. It was such a relief to finally find out that everthing was okay.